Dear Readers,
I am sorry I have been M.I.A ( missing in action).
Unfortunately I have had a vicious ear infection for much too long (I'm not going to even tell you how long! Too long!) and it is just now today feeling better.
I missed class yesterday which I'm sad about, and I have make up work to do today- and I'm not even sure if my teachers will accept it. I hope they will.
Something to share...
I watched Oprah Life-class a few days ago( laying in bed grumpy with ear pain!) and saw something interesting. The class was on anger. I have found I have had a lot of anger recently wondering WHY WHY WHY WHY...for a million different things. Some pertaining to tmau- Some not.
A quote was stated on the show about how to release anger. Oprah explained that releasing anger has to do with releasing the hope that the past could be any different. As soon as I heard that I realized how much energy I spend wishing events in High school, college and even graduate school were vastly different. Hearing that softens the sting of past pains. I hope it does for you too.
Black Rose
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