My tmau started my late sophomore year of High School. It was horribly stressful because everyday I would worry if someone was talking about me, or if I was offending someone or If I'd lose a friend. I did not know what was happening since I knew nothing of tmau. Simply said...It was traumatic. As much of a hopeless romantic as I am, I pushed that aside. I didn't want to get close to a boy who I liked from fear of offending him. I still had crushes...which I would just write about in my journal.
In college a guy I liked began to pursue me and for some reason, my tmau occurrences were much less in college-I began dating the guy. I always had the fear in the back of my mind that he would know my struggle. Not long into the relationship I realized that something wasn't right....it didn't feel genuine and I deeply doubted the truth of what I was experiencing. Finally i concluded, it wasn't true- there wasn't a emotional connection on his part and he wasn't "in love with me" as he professed. Still....I stayed.
I figured that a fake relationship was as close as id ever come to "love." I know- a sad philosophy. I know it had a lot to do with the shame of tmau experiences in high school, the rejection and feeling undesirable (even though my family loved me deeply). I didn't feel beautiful. I did not feel feminine and I had such a dejected persona that I could not imagine a guy actually loving me for me and wanting to commit to me.
Since that experience in my life many things have changed. I no longer walk around with sad embarrassed eyes. I may sometimes be sad over embarrassing tmau occurrences or days gone wrong but I know I am special. I know that I am strong and that I have unique gifts to bring to life.
I decided that I deserve to walk in truth, even if it is difficult. I will not hide behind fantasy or lies.
When a season of love comes in my life I will not be afraid to be known and accept whatever truth flows from that.
Black Rose
Great blog. I suffer from TMAU too, so can completely relate. Will read regularly. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind comment. It really made my day:)
ReplyDeleteHey thank you for sharing your story! I believe we all have similar experiences and can relate to one another so much that i'm sure we could all become a family. I have been searching months upon months about this rare disorder, and I have come to a conclusion that the liver in all of us may be damaged, some more than others. I understand dieting can help certain individuals but the rest are left with no hope. For starters, I believe we should all try cleansing our livers then begin eating low choline diets. Obviously that is easier said than done, but we have got to step up and try something. No one with this situation should be left uninformed about helpful tips. Im going to start a YouTube channel soon. email me at zenetam@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHey thank you for sharing your story! I believe we all have similar experiences and can relate to one another so much that i'm sure we could all become a family. I have been searching months upon months about this rare disorder, and I have come to a conclusion that the liver in all of us may be damaged, some more than others. I understand dieting can help certain individuals but the rest are left with no hope. For starters, I believe we should all try cleansing our livers then begin eating low choline diets. Obviously that is easier said than done, but we have got to step up and try something. No one with this situation should be left uninformed about helpful tips. Im going to start a YouTube channel soon. email me at zenetam@yahoo.com